What is Digital Marketing?

I see at least 4 to 5 posts on digital marketing every week. I talk to say most people have tried 2-3 companies in the past and have not got good results. Let’s see what digital marketing is and what its are components of it. After reading this, you should be able to make your social media marketing strategy.

Today I am going to cover five topics of Digital Media out of a few hundred.

(1) Content creation: Content is king. (or queen). Content can be in video, audio, articles, images, blogs, data or research, analysis. There is one rule for content I have learned, people need to see the value in it; otherwise, they will drop your call. You need to create content which people are going to love, use and share with others. The world-famous Rujuta Diwekar is an excellent example of content creation. She is all over the place; she comes live every morning; she lives on Instagram, Facebook; she does a podcast, interviews. After all,  everyone knows that she knows a lot about nutrition and can surely help me with my problems. The bottom line, write your content, get someone to pen, buy the content, create videos of what you do. The first five videos you make will be awful, and then you will get better at it.

SEO is an essential part of digital marketing. SEO requires keywords research and long-tail keywords. It sounds a little tricky, but any SEO expert should give you the list of keywords. You can get on your own with ubersugest. After all those keywords, you need to remember that you are wringing your content for humans and not for machine. If you make a podcast or youtube video, you need to make sure that your accurate video description.

(3) Pay Per Click
All social media pays its bills on advertising revenue. On Facebook, you can get 2000 local eyeballs in just £20.00. In Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, you can target the audience as per their interest. Pay Per Click has gone a little expensive than it used to be 3-4 years ago, but still, it is very cheap to target an audience through paid clicks campaign.

(4) Social Media Marketing.
As I explained above, you need to be present on as many platforms as possible or focus on just 1 or 2 media and focus on nurturing your audience by educating them instead of a sales pitch.

(5) Email Marketing:
Email is a low commitment from the customer to the product or service. You can keep educating your subscribers every week with your industry news. In that case, with new recipes, the latest treatments, predictions, analysis articles, people will come to know that you are an expert in the industry and when they need you, they know whom to contact. An email is a potent tool for marketing.

My name is Manan Shah, and I make fantastic WordPress websites. Currently, I am working with four different brands to do digital marketing on various platforms. We are not taking new clients for digital marketing right now, but I wanted to share some knowledge about the topic. For the WordPress website or any related questions, feel free to contact me at 07394 665260.
